a collection of ancient amulets from different cultures, including an Egyptian horus eye, a Mesopotamian cylinder seal, a Roman amber ball, a Chinese jade dragon, a Viking millstone, etc.

Ancient use of crystals in protective magical amulets

Throughout history, amulets have served as more than just decorative objects - they have been symbols of protection, healing and spirituality. In ancient Egypt, amulets such as the Eye of Horus, created from lapis lazuli and carnelian, were not only beautiful but also charged with magical properties to protect against evil. Meanwhile, in Mesopotamia, sickle-shaped amulets made of agate and jade, decorated with symbols and deities, were used to ward off diseases and negative forces.

Mythology and use of Amethyst in ancient societies

Mythology and use of Amethyst in ancient societies

Amethyst has had significant importance in Roman and Greek mythology - where their rituals and daily life wove in amethyst as a healing stone believed to have properties that could help both health and one's spiritual life.